


QuicheIn the deli section, cold meats and cheeses are featured. As are Cumberland Sausages and Bacon, both made locally to traditional British recipes.

Delish’s speciality however, is homemade British pies and other British “delicacies”, which are all made in the store using traditional recipes and ingredients. View Meat and Pies.

The pies are available freshly cooked to eat in or take home. We also have really great tasting Samosas such as Chicken, Spinage and Feta and Vegetable, our Pakoras are suitable for vegetarians.

If you looking for a traditional cheese from the British Iles, we have them. Try our Coastal Cheddar or smoked Applewood.

Coastal is a unique tasting cheddar from Ford Farm. It has been aged for up to 15 months to give it a deliciously sweet, distinctive flavour. The naturally formed calcium crystals sometimes found in the cheese are a sign of age and show that it has reached its optimum maturity.